Terms & Conditions

These Terms of Service apply to you as a member, being a user at nomiguide.com. When registering at nomiguide.com, you confirm you have read, understood and accepted the following terms and conditions of these Terms of Service. If you do not agree to any of these terms, cookies and privacy policy, you must not register.
You must respect other users in website under the penalty of being banned from them if you don't.
Any accusation without proof, intimidation, threat or disrespect against nomiguide.com, here or elsewhere will be seen as disrespectful and may lead to the removal of the privilege of using the nomiguide.com as well as the permanent suspension of your account.
As your password must be kept secret from others. In the unlikely event of someone hacking into your account, we will not be held responsible.
Accounts are not transferable.
Users using false information when registering may have their account suspended.
Any attempt to automatically reload/view pages intensively will lead to the permanent suspension of your account.
our monitoring system will analyze your actions. Normally, attempts to hack the system will result in account termination.
We may or may not inform you that your account was terminated. In the first case, we will send you an email. In either case, you will be notified as soon as you try to use any of the services at nomiguide.com.
All payments are non-refundable.
We have the right to suspend your account at any time for any valid reason including, but not limited to, the disrespect of our Terms of Service.
nomiguide.com will not be liable for any kind of delays or failures that are not directly related to nomiguide.com and therefore beyond our control.
nomiguide.com reserves the right to alter the Terms of Service at any time, including fees, special offers, benefits and rules, amongst others, and also reserves the right to cancel its services any time and without any notice.
nomiguide.com will not be held responsible for any of its users, advertisers or advertisements.
By subscribing to our newsletter you agree to receive email from us.
We reserve the right to either modify, change frequency of issues or discontinue the newletter, at any time with or without notice to you.